Making a Will is truly worthwhile doing. With a Will the winding up of your estate is much easier for your loved ones, and a Will removes the possibility of disputes between family members after you are gone. Most importantly a Will insures that your money is left to the people you want it to go to. In the absence of a Will, there is legislation called the Intestate Succession Act which stipulates how your estate is to be distributed and there is no discretion or ability to change what the legislation requires – unless of course you have a Will.
When you are ready to proceed with a Will, take some time to think about i) what your estate is comprised of, ii) who your beneficiaries are going to be, and lastly iii) who is going to be the executor of your estate and who is your back-up executor. At our first meeting we will talk about these issues and other issues that are important your estate planning.
There is a certain peace of mind which comes with having a Will and knowing that your affairs are in order. And when people make the decision to get a Will, they want to get it done quickly without delay. That is why we offer “The 48 Hour Will”. It’s simple – our pledge is to have a Will ready for your signature, within 48 hours of our initial meeting.** So if, for example, we meet on Monday to talk about your Will, then we will have a Will ready for your review and execution two days later on the Wednesday.
The legal fees for a typical 48 Hour Will can vary depending on the complexity of the Will and the amount of time expended to prepare and execute the Will. But for a typical Will, fees are usually in the range of $325.00.
If you wish to make a 48 Hour Will, give us a call at (204) 942-1799 or send us an email at [email protected].
**Please note, if your Will is uncommonly complex or involves elaborate testamentary trusts, it may not be possible to have the Will completed within two days. If your Will is too complex to complete in two days, we will advise you of this in our first meeting.